Friday, 12 April 2013

Students started off the class by discussing an upcoming field trip that they could attend. If students are interested they should hand back the permission form as quickly as possible as there is only a limited amount of seats and the positions will sell out quickly.

Students then got out their notes about "What makes good writing" and went through it as we had only done it thoroughly in August. They went through emotions. Students then had to write a sentence which a person or thing loved something else using the love emotion. He gave them example first off before they started. Here was my example "Mother came home and for a second I thought she didn't buy me anything but she handed me a packet of chicken McNuggets"

Essay topics
Students then were given out a sheet of paper with a variety of Essay Topics on it. They talked about when the deadline for their creative story should be and the final date is May 10th.

Students then talked about how they students are going to have an essay on the Song Of Rolan and what options they have. Students should know what topic they're doing by the folioing Monday coming up

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